Saturday 21 March 2015

Soothe your ills: Five Natural Remedies

For the past month I've been combating a cough, which was nicely helped by catching a cold during the past week. So, I've been doing what we all do in times like this: feeding myself with any concoction that might help it pass.

1 Honey & Lemon
This is the classic, the epitome of sore throat and cold soothers, Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a mug, add a tablespoon of honey, and a teaspoon of sugar (to make it that little bit more satisfying if you, like me, have a sweet tooth). The honey works as a demulcent, meaning it coats the throat and soothes the irritation. By adding lemon, you're giving your body an added kick of Vitamin C, which is never a bad thing when you're immune system is on full-pelt.

2 Dandelion Tea

Probably less well-known as a remedy, and more as a pain for gardeners everywhere, the dandelion (or more specifically, its green leaves) has an array of benefits. It's a great source of Vitamin A, calcium, iron and potassium -- to name a few. Dandelion can be very useful for clearing... if you find that you're feeling a little bunged up, it acts as a diuretic. Collect handfuls of dandelion leaves, choosing younger, smaller leaves if possible, and wash them, laying them out on a tray afterwards. Leave them somewhere warm to dry, and then transfer them to a glass jar to continue drying -- storing them out of direct sunlight. Use one teaspoon of the dried leaves per cup, using a tea strainer. Be wary that it can cause allergic reactions, and may be more likely if you are allergic to chamomile or marigold, for instance.

3 Sliced Onion

Blocked nose? Quarter an onion and add to a cup of hot water, and give it a good whiff for five to 10 minutes. It'll clear that bad boy up in no time at all.

4 Chewing Parsley

Chewing fresh parsley or mint can help freshen breath -- particularly useful when it is given as a garnish for garlic-packed meal.

5 Rosemary Bath

To relieve aches and pains, add fresh rosemary leaves to a bath (either loose of in a make-shift muslin bag). If the aches are due to a long-standing cold, the rosemary bath works two-fold because the steam can help clear blocked sinuses. 


Be wary of allergies when using natural remedies, and consult a general practitioner if in doubt. Make sure to wash herbs before using, particularly if you'll be chewing on them!

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